Edgar Allen Poe Literary Society
Raven FACs
330 Brookhollow (210) 241-7370
New Braunfels, TX, 78132 [email protected]

11 April, 2018

It is our distinct pleasure to announce the winners of the 2018 Distinguished Raven Scholarships.

Without exception, these young men & women are truly outstanding.

Frederick E Roth Memorial Scholarship ($2,500 + $500 performance bonus)
Adora Kiatoukaysy
Booneville, AR

Harold K “H” Ownby Memorial Scholarship ($2,000)
Yia Lee

Sacramento, CA

Sacramento, CAJames E Cross Memorial Scholarship ($2,000)
Pajai Vue
St Paul, MN

Joseph L Chestnut Memorial Scholarship ($2,000 )
Alina Xiong
EauClaire, WI

Park G Bunker Memorial Scholarship ($2,000)
Shyna Kaya Lee
Rose, OK

W Grant Uhls Memorial Scholarship ($1000)
Mai See Yang
Sacramento, CA

Charles E Engle Memorial Scholarship ($1000)
Sullivan Xiong
Marysville, CA

Dennis E Morgan Memorial Scholarship ($1000)
Jenifer Thao
Fayetteville, AR



Richard H Defer Memorial Scholarship ($1000)
Praise Vu
Fresno, CA

Charles P Russell Memorial Scholarship ($1000)
Pa Kou Vang
E St Paul, MN

George H Tousley, III Memorial Scholarship ($1,000)
Jasmine Yang
Sacramento, CA

Richard W Herold Memorial Scholarship ($1,000)
Katie Vang
Greenville, NC

Ed Gunter President, EAPLS (Raven FACs)

Jerry “Spike” Milam, Scholarship Committee Chair